Inspire Learning and Make Learning fun


This website presents valuable information on Soma cube in a simple manner. This site has three sections. The Kids section is dedicated to teach basic facts about Soma blocks and cubes. The cube building challenge is presented in the Soma section. Here, you can find the 240 possible ways of building the Soma cube. The advance section discusses impossibility proofs and other mathematical principles behind the Soma cube. All sections have learning activities and practice activities. Conducting learning activities brings new understanding. Practicing activities are to further improve the understanding.


We, a group of academics, got together and observed how students learn. We observed that most of students consider learning as a cumbersome task. Some students are very stressed. Some learn due to social pressure. We, then, realized the need for a drastic change in our education system. Another reason for our realization was the difficulties that would face by students in facing the challenges in the 21st century. We started working on innovative learning approaches and instruments with one principle in mind.

That is “the learning must be fun”. A study after study has shown that playing improves learning.We started working on developing innovative learning tools, techniques, activities, and curriculum and introducing proven and joyful educational instruments. The Soma Cube is one of them. This was started by one of our member. While reading for his PhD in the University of Stockholm, Sweden, he had an opportunity to attend a conference in Prague, Czech Republic. He saw this amazing “Soma Puzzle” at a science museum for children in Prague. Thereafter, he decided to reintroduce Soma Cube with more information. Today, you can get Soma Cube with an informative and easy to follow web site -

At this moment The Soma Cube Project furthers its scope of activities as a social entrepreneurship initiative.Many people worked behind the scenes to bring this Soma Cube to your hand. The order was made without noticing that one piece of Soma cube is not included. Luckily, we found a Sri Lankan carpenter who made the missing piece in wood. Thank must go to those who volunteered to get an experience of Soma cube with their families and write testimonies.

It was difficult to understand certain concepts behind the Soma Cube. Our team spend hours to present the difficult concepts in a more simple and easy to understand manner. This was not a success without a one man who drew all figures and contributed to develop the web site.


We would like to invite you to join hand with us. We expect your support to popularize the application of Soma Cube Learning across a wide audience. Here are some ways:

  • Translating this web site to Sinhala.
  • Assisting small kids to play with Soma cube
  • Encouraging young kids to take the Soma challenge, and other challenges
  • Customizing Soma blocks with pictures of animals, letters, numbers or shades of colors and build on any desired sequence (e.g. Food chain, ascending / descending numbers, brightness of colors, alphabet, word formation etc.)
  • Identifying the resemblance of real-life objects (architecture, household items etc.)
  • Challenging others to take the Soma and other challenges in get togethers and competitions.
  • Being a volunteer at Kindergartens, schools for children with special needs, elderly/ retirement homes.
  • Facilitating large scale models for outdoor (parks, playgrounds, community centers)
  • Initiating a CSR mission in respective geographical areas or user groups

Every time you donate a Soma Cube Knowledge Pack to a child, you gift the benefit of learning for a lifetime.Our final request is to come with an innovative product or process to fill the gap instead of copying the same product.


We would like to listen to your request, comments. Suggestions and criticisms. Please write to us.


What the Soma Cube can offer you?


Teach simple phenomena such as cube, face,edge, corner,  width, height, and depth with a Soma set.

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Take a challenge of building the Soma cube in 240 different ways.

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Explore interesting mathematical principles such as impossibility proofs.

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Understand the benefits of developing one’s spatial intelligence and the contribution of Soma cube to build the intelligence.

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The inventor of Soma cube and historical development.

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If you do not have a Soma cube, do not worry. You can build your own one.

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Listen to what others say about the Soma Cube 

Chethila and Lakmini 

Architects with a kid working at the Central Engineering Bureau and Urban Development Authority

As parents we have found the Soma cube to be a wonderful toy to help our two children become more adept at visual thinking...

Rangika and Charitha 

Senior Lecturer in Cvil Engineering, University of Moratuwa and a Medical Doctor with two kids . 

Having two young children and working as a doctor and civil engineer, we have found this toy to be a great way to entertain them and at the same time help them to learn how to solve problems...

Janith Chandrakumara

Senior Registrar Paediatrics and Lecturer in Paediatrics and a Project Manager with two kids. 

My three and half year-old son has taken a special liking to this and he couldn’t get enough of it! It wasvery fascinating to see how quickly he proceeded to understand the three-dimensional constructsthrough this simple product...

Michael Davidson

David is an English teacher in Taiwan with backgrounds in art history, social work and Chinese medicine 

The Soma cube is a truly unique and fascinating toy. It’s hard to believe that something so simple can do so much.  

Samudra Senarath (PhD)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology 

For all of the activities it is important to encourage the children to think about the shapes that they construct and not just build hoping for the best... 

Jayampahi Rathnayake (PhD)

Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Colombo 

As a Mathematician who teaches at the University of Colombo I am very excited to have had the opportunity to play with the Soma cube and I highly recommend it to all. 


You can do all these mind developing activities with our Soma Pack.

Your investment on this great mind development Soma pack is 10 USD+ shipping

You can buy a Soma Pack at

Wonderworld149, Havlock Road, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka

Majestic City297, Galle Road, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka